When The Door Gets Shut

Nov 26, 2023    Owen Mason

In the sermon "When the Door Gets Shut Before Us," the congregation will delve into Acts 12:4-17, exploring the theme of accessing God's open doors. Through trust in Jesus, Romans 8:29-32 reassures believers of their predestined path and God's unfailing support. Praying for God's will, as demonstrated in John 11:41-42, becomes a key to unlocking closed doors. The sermon emphasizes spiritual blessings, drawing inspiration from Ephesians 1:3, John 5:19, and John 5:30. Reflecting on John 20:19-27 and Acts 5:18-25, the congregation learns that divine intervention can open doors that seem permanently shut. The sermon encourages unwavering faith, highlighting James 1:17, Mark 9:24, and Psalm 5:15 as promises of God's steadfast response to sincere seeking.